FuturesCash Swap Time-Limited Campaign — FREE Handling fee !!!

Futures Foundation
2 min readApr 14, 2022


Dear FuturesCash users,

FuturesCash has launched a token swap feature through an integration with Swapit and PancakeSwap. To celebrate this special occasion, we will be launching a special promotion — ZERO handling fee for FuturesCash Swap.

Here is the detail:

Campaign Period:

Begins at: April 15th, 2022 0:00:00 in PST

Ends on: April 30th, 2022 23:59:59 in PST

FREE handling fee from FuturesCash Swap during the campaign !!!

How to participate?

It’s real simple!

  • Download FuturesCash App
  • Register and sign in to FuturesCash
  • Click on the “Swap” icon
  • The fee will be ZERO during the campaign
How to Swap on FuturesCash

Please note that the regular handling fee will be automatically adjusted after this campaign.

We believe holding this campaign will help FuturesCash improve by collecting valuable advice from our users. We hope to grow together with our users!

We want to thank you again for all your support. The release of FuturesCash is a milestone for our team and we will keep working hard to provide the greatest crypto experience to FuturesCash users

Best Regards,
FuturesCash Team & Futures Foundation Team

Download FuturesCash HERE !!!

Learn more about FuturesCash Swap:

FuturesCash: Your One-Stop App to Swap!

FuturesCash Communities:

Official website: http://futures.cash/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FuturesCash
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/FuturesCash
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3000666800195666
Telegram English community: https://t.me/FuturesFdn_EN
Telegram Announcement: https://t.me/pi_airdrop
Medium: https://futuresfoundation.medium.com/



Futures Foundation

Our vision is to let more and more people understand and use crypto via Futures Foundation.