Pi Futures Airdrop Starts!
We are giving away Pi Futures based on your Pi holdings!
Simply fill up the airdrop request form (https://pifutures.typeform.com/to/VNvWchkr), and Pi of Pi Futures will be automatically delivered to your Ethereum wallet.
It’s as easy as 1–2–3! Let’s spread the words to all Pi lovers.
Pi Futures team will verify your Pi account, while the airdrop to each address would not excess 1000 Pi. To learn more about the airdrop, please find us at:
Pi Futures Price: $0.0033 (+330%)
To trade Pi Futures, please visit Uniswap: https://uniswap.info/pair/0xdcb9a5f08df2aa0d30974099d50543b8a567779d
Pi Futures is the derivative of the cryptocurrency of Pi Network. It is created by a group of early miners of Pi, who understand and believe the future value of Pi Network. This Pi is issued with an 1:1 anchor to the Pi of Pi Network.
Token Info: https://uniswap.info/token/0xe875c61d4721424a6988e5fa2dfb8d6ca6af5c64
ERC20 Contract Address: 0xe875c61d4721424a6988e5fa2dfb8d6ca6af5c64
Disclaimer: Pi Futures (symbol: Pi) is ERC-20 token, and is neither the same nor the alternative of the cryptocurrency of Pi Network.